News & Links2021-11-07T17:41:18+00:00

Latest News

Here you will find the latest news as well as useful resources and links. If you would like more information, let us know and we’ll see if we can help directly.

Road Show

Today we have launched our Road Show across Wales. We are conducting Welsh Language Skills Audits for staff in organisations across the country to help support the Welsh Language Standards Action Plan. Our qualified and professional tutor will assess each member of staff seen in one day in accordance with the nationally recognised language skill levels. If you want to get involved, please get in touch with us to book an assessment


By |November 21, 2016|News|

Planning and the Welsh language

Under section 11 of the Planning Act, it is now a requirement that every planning authority when preparing or revising the local development plan gives consideration to how the policies and site allocations are likely to impact on use of the Welsh language in their area.


By |July 24, 2016|News, Uncategorized|

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Useful Information & Links

Welsh Government Consultation

Welsh Government launches its consultation on proposals to strengthen the infrastructure around the Welsh language. National policy on Welsh linguistic infrastructure | GOV.WALES

Welsh in education: Action plan 2017 – 22

In December 2017, the Welsh Government announced its Action Plan for Welsh in education for the next four years. This Plan is one of a suite of action plans stemming from the Cymraeg 2050 strategy and it outlines how the Government intends to reach the goal of creating a million Welsh speakers by 2050. There are targets in the plan [...]

Cymraeg 2050: Welsh language strategy

Here is a link to the Welsh Government’s strategy to create a million Welsh speakers by 2050. Also found here is the Work Programme, or Action Plan, outlining how they aim to reach the target. http://gov.wales/topics/welshlanguage/welsh-language-strategy-and-policies/cymraeg-2050-welsh-language-strategy/?skip=1&lang=en

Qualified for Life

The Welsh Government’s new long term vision for education in Wales. http://gov.wales/topics/educationandskills/allsectorpolicies/qualified-for-life-an-educational-improvement-plan/?lang=en

Together – Welsh language teaching strategy

The Welsh Language Teaching Centre has published its strategy – the new national body that is leading the teaching of Welsh to adults. Strategic Objective 1       Develop an innovative programme of attractive and suitable courses for learners making full use of the latest technology Strategic Objective 2       Develop innovative schemes to secure opportunities and contexts where learners can use their [...]

Estyn’s Annual Report, January 2017

The Chief Inspector’s Annual Report is published every January, and provides commentary and analysis on the performance of education and training in Wales during the previous academic year. Dr Rachel Heath-Davies, Managing Director of RHD Consultancy highlighted the findings in the report regarding, emphasising the need to support head teachers and leaders in education with developing strong leadership and management [...]

More than just words… follow on Strategic framework

On 22 March 2016, the Minister for Health and Social Services, Professor Mark Drakeford AM, launched the More than just words.... follow-on Strategic Framework to strengthen Welsh language services across health, social services and social care.   At its heart is the idea that being able to use your own language must be a core component of care – not [...]

Towards 2030

Prof Hazelkorn has published a very important review of post-compulsory education in Wales, with special reference to the future role and function of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW). For more info Click Here

PISA 2012

Around 510,000 students in 65 economies took part in the PISA 2012 assessment of reading, mathematics and science representing about 28 million 15-year- olds globally. For more info Click Here

Welsh Language Tribunal

The Welsh Language tribunal is an independent statutory body. It was established in April 2015 under Section 120 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011. Its function is to deal with appeals against the Welsh Language Commissioner’s decisions in relation to the Welsh Language Standards. For Link Click Here

Welsh Language Commissioner

The Welsh Language Commissioner is an independent body established by the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 to promote and facilitate use of the Welsh language. This includes raising awareness of the official status of the Welsh language in Wales, monitoring existing Welsh Language Schemes, and imposing Welsh Language Standards on organisations. The Welsh Language Commissioner is responsible for coordinating developments in Welsh language infrastructure [...]

Welsh language (Wales) Measure 2011

A Measure of the National Assembly for Wales to make provision about the official status of the Welsh language in Wales; to provide for a Welsh Language Partnership Council; to establish the Office of Welsh Language Commissioner; to provide for an Advisory Panel to the Welsh Language Commissioner; to make provision about promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh [...]

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