Latest News
Here you will find the latest news as well as useful resources and links. If you would like more information, let us know and we’ll see if we can help directly.
Road Show
Today we have launched our Road Show across Wales. We are conducting Welsh Language Skills Audits for staff in organisations across the country to help support the Welsh Language Standards Action Plan. Our qualified and professional tutor will assess each member of staff seen in one day in accordance with the nationally recognised language skill levels. If you want to get involved, please get in touch with us to book an assessment
Million Welsh speakers by 2050
Rachel Heath-Davies on Radio Cymru discussing the million Welsh speakers by 2050 target
Welsh language target of one million speakers by 2050
Report by the Welsh Language Commissioner on the position of the Welsh language
The Welsh Language Commissioner published this summary on the position of the Welsh language in August 2016. Half way between the two Censuses, it is a timely 5-year report.
Planning and the Welsh language
Under section 11 of the Planning Act, it is now a requirement that every planning authority when preparing or revising the local development plan gives consideration to how the policies and site allocations are likely to impact on use of the Welsh language in their area.
Health and Social Care and the use of Welsh
All organisations responsible for providing health and social care services in Wales will be expected to mainstream Welsh language services as an integral part of service planning and delivery.
Welsh medium education strategy review
Welsh Government has published the Evaluation of the Welsh medium education strategy. Arad presents 21 recommendations for Welsh Government, local authorities, the Sabbatical Programme and much more.
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